Bible Studies

Each of these Bible studies is unique, differing in leader, atmosphere, and topic or scripture, which gives various opportunities to learn and be involved in the study of God's Word with the SGC church. In addition to the fellowship we enjoy when we meet, our coming together also enables us to share and bear one another's burdens as the body of Christ. Please email us at for more information on any of the following.

Small Group Ministry - Small groups meet every 2 weeks in homes in CT and MA. Please see Seth Fuller or email for more information or to join a group.

Women’s Bible Study - A weekly Bible study meets at 23 Golf Street, Southbridge MA during the fall and spring. Please visit our Church Center link.

Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study in Sturbridge, MA (5:30 Supper offsite). See Pastor Gary or email us for more information.

Thursday at 10:00 a.m. - Bible Study at Faith Baptist Church, Southbridge, MA.

Friday at 6:30 p.m. - We meet first and third Friday of every month for dinner and Bible study. See Pastor Gary for more information.